Monday 7 February 2011

Canadian news broadcasters to get a license to lie?

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) is considering changing the rules that prevent TV and radio broadcasters from saying things they know to be untrue. The proposed amendment to the rules says broadcasters may not present “any news that the licensee knows is false or misleading and that endangers or is likely to endanger the lives, health or safety of the public.” That gives news broadcasters a license to lie. By arguing that a false or misleading news report does not endanger lives, health or safety, a broadcaster could get away with saying things they know are false. (See

Until February 9, 2011, the CRTC is accepting comments from the public on this amendment. Write to the CRTC right now and tell them you don’t want our news broadcasters to get a license to lie.

Take Action

Comment online on the CRTC web site.  ( )

You can use the following sample text below as a template.

The Hon. Konrad W. von Finckenstein
General Secretary of the CRTC

Dear Mr. Finckenstein,
As a Canadian citizen, I am very concerned about the proposed amendments to: 
Paragraph 3(d) of the Radio Regulations, 1986; 

Paragraph 5(1)(d) of the Television Broadcasting Regulations, 1987; 

Paragraph 3(2)(c) of the Pay Television Regulations, 1990; 
Paragraph (3)(d) of the Specialty Services Regulations, 1990.

I believe the proposed wording in these paragraphs that prohibits broadcasters from presenting “…any news that the licensee knows is false or misleading and that endangers or is likely to endanger the lives, health or safety of the public” gives broadcasters a license to lie, permitting them to present false or misleading news by allowing them to argue it does not endanger the lives, health or safety of the public. 
The current wording of these regulations is completely clear and has worked perfectly well for years. I do not believe any amendment is necessary.  I believe it is unacceptable to present false or misleading news under any circumstances, whether or not it presents a danger to lives, health or safety. Presenting lies as fact is damaging to our society and to our democratic institutions. Falsehoods are wrong. Period. That is what we teach our children. That is what we expect from our friends. That is what we should expect from our news broadcasters.
I would also like to express my deep concern about the way the CRTC has attempted to make such a major change to our broadcasting system with virtually no publicized public consultation, and with such a short period of time available for Canadians to become aware of and comment on the issue.


(The above advice is taken from the web site of the Green Party of Canada )