For most of us, gender identity is pretty cut-and-dried and as unambiguous as the declaration on our birth certificates. For many Christians the Bible quote from Geneisis 5:2
"... male and female He created them" is as cogent as any science fact. It's obvious. When you look "down there" you can see whether you are male or female by your bits and pieces or lack thereof. Right? Well, sometimes.
Image courtesy of Dennis Hlynsky via Flickr creative commons - |
What I only discovered recently is that for as many as 1 person in 100 God seems to have made it not so obvious. Such people describe themselves as 'intersex' and they exist in sufficient numbers to have formed the
Intersex Society of North America with its own website. They published what I found to be a very interesting article summarizing some research done at Brown University:
How common is intersex?
I found this out from reading another interesting article,
Transgender issues are more complicated than some Christians portray by Jonathan Merritt which I recommend not only for your reading pleasure but even more for your education if you think that the issues are simple, cut-and-dried.
What got my attention in the first place was the same writer's article:
3 reasons conservative Christians will lose the transgender debate. Yes, I especially recommend this article if you are any kind of Christian - liberal, conservative, Evangelical, Catholic, dualistic or non-dualistic.