Tuesday 6 August 2024

Happy 75th, Ingrid

Yesterday afternoon/evening the clan got together to celebrate Ingrid's 75th birthday. After a main course of braaied boerie and other good things to eat we came up with some of the fine qualities of the clan matriarch, with ideas for qualities triggered by the letters of her name, INGRID.

Dear Ingrid,
On the occasion of your Seventy-Fifth Birthday, 
these are some of the things your family said about you, 
inspired by your name, INGRID.

I is for… 
INGRID - the most beautiful name I ever heard.

N is for… 
Netherlands, the land of your birth, and the rich cultural traditions that you have passed on to our children and grandchildren; and
Never gives up - when you believe in something.

G is for… 
Gentle woman; and
Gay and joyful, always ready with a smile; and
Grounded - keeping me in the real world, here and now.

R is for… 
Real; and… 
Reliable; and… 
Roman Catholic, religious in the true spiritual sense, but never pietistic.

I is for… 
Independent, as in the way you chose to follow Jesus Christ as a Catholic when you were still in high school; and… 
Inspirational - helping me believe in myself when I become discouraged; and… 
Indefatigable - overcoming every adversity with faith, hope and love.

D is for… 
Dependable - your word is pure gold

Congratulations on your 
Seventy-Fifth Birthday.
All my love