Monday 19 June 2006

Three days after the second treatment

Second chemo was on Friday and went without a hitch. So far relatively uneventful. Uneventful is good :-)

The home-care nurse came round to the house later on Friday and then again on Saturday to give an injection of some very powerful muti extracted from bone-marrow designed to stimulate regeneration of white blood cells. Another nurse came on Sunday to set up a hydration drip which will be repeated later today.

I must say that I am very impressed with the quality of home-care nursing provided by the Province of Ontario as experienced by us. Family doctors making house-calls may be a thing of the past (though Schneir Levine might still be visiting his patients) but this is an excellent alternative.

Judith decided to crop her hair radically shorter - first to a 5 on my beard trimmer on Friday, and then to a 2 last night when she saw how she is losing the hair where her head rests on her pillow. I joined her with the 5 on Friday and then went to a dinner organised by our church. I was surprised how many people looked right through me without recognising me. On the up side I did have a number of ladies who found they could not resist stroking the top of my head!