On Friday Judith had another round of chemo - the two Marks (brother and boy-friend), Mom and Dad were there to keep her company. Everything went well. More tests coming up next month and a visit to the radiologist before a final decision is made on whether the follow-up treatment should be radiation or another round of chemo, but it is looking more and more like they are going to go with the chemo route - which is what we are praying for. As usual, Judith has been sleeping most of the time since coming home.
That is a marked difference from the previous night (Thursday night) when we celebrated her birthday with some presents and she was pretty hyper. It was actually her birthday on Tuesday but Thursday night was the best for getting everyone together - except Sean who had to work so he took Judith for a meal on Tuesday night. Click on the link on the left to see some photos. Sean's news is that he is planning on going back to Whistler for the winter season. He has a job lined up in one of the fine dining restaurants to start in November.
On Saturday Mark invited a number of friends to our house for a braai (barbecue.) They all seemed to have an enjoyable time and Ingrid and I enjoyed having them. Click on the link on the left for some photos.