I had some pumpkin pie shortly before going to bed - and woke up with indigestion. So I thought I would be constructive and after taking some bicarb. do a photo album of some pictures that Judith took of her guinea pigs a few weeks ago. That's Cowslick in front, Skitch is the grey one looking distrustfully at the camara. You can see the whole album of 10 pics if you click on the Guinea Pigs link on the left.
After school on Friday Mark (The Boyfriend) kissed Judith hello when he met her in the parking lot. OK, maybe it was more than hello... Anyway, some grade 11 girl yelled out to two friends right next to her - from the other side of the parking lot - "O-my-gosh-there-are-two-boys-kissing-over-there!" Judith, Sean, Ingrid and I were able to laugh about it over some buffalo wings in a local pub this evening, but it was not very funny for either Judith or Mark at the time. It reminded us of the time, a few weeks ago, when Ingrid and Judith were in the waiting room of the ophthalmologist. An elderly couple walked in and sat down. The lady stared and stared at Judith and her bald head. Eventually she asked Ingrid, "Is it a boy or a girl?" Her husband took her in hand and informed her in no uncertain terms that "it" was a girl while the only other patient, a woman, sat rolling her eyes around the ceiling...
Friday morning I received an email from a very old friend who I learnt was on holiday in Sherbrooke, Quebec. Minutes later we were talking on the phone. I have not seen him since around 1970 or before. I am now making plans to rearrange my vacation to go out there and spend a couple of days with him. Pourriez-vous perler plus lentement s'il vous plait?
On the two occasions I have been to Quebec I have found that, with the help of a phrase book, I can actually make myself understood in French. The real problem comes after you have asked for your ice-cream/coffee/whatever when you get asked whether you want the grande, petite, plus petite, rouge, blanc, bleu, doux, aigre, chaud, froid, etc. and you do not have a clue as to what you have just been asked or even whether it was a question and maybe you have just been told it is all finished!