Actually, it's news from Luisa rather than Mark. It appears that they have to work on their communication. Luisa thought Mark was sending us updates, and Mark thought Luisa was doing that. Hmmm. Here is a snip from an email from Luisa:
I must apologize--I thought Mark was forwarding to you our updates from over here, and he thought you were on my master list...sorry! As a result i am going to send many forwards your way with brief summaries of our adventures and of course some pictures.
...and here is the email that she forwarded:
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 02:37:08 -0800 (PST)
Subject: CARNAVAL in Breda!
Well, this past weekend was a blast here in Breda. In most of Europe they celebrate Carnaval--a once Catholic celebration (I believe) before entering the somber time of Lent. In this area Monday and Tuesday were holidays--schools were closed and very few stores/services were available. So pretty much, 4 days of parades, all day drinking, costumes and lots of music! Even during the day the dance bars are open, blaring folky music...kids dancing and parents drinking...It definitely puts our Halloween to shame!

I just can't stress enough that EVERYONE was dressed up in random, colorful outfits, complete with make-up at all times of the day! Mark and I partook on the parades, and headed out in the evenings too. We hadnt really planned for costumes...we went out the first night and were the ONLY ones not in costume! so we quickly remedied that with odds and ends we brought with us. Mark used his very colorful guatemala pants (some of you have had the pleasure), and i went as gypsy like as i could. ha ha, makeup does wonders! When i headed out yesterday i thought surely the debotchery was over, but no, at 12 noon, the bars were full of people in costume, dancing away...
Its very much an event for people of all ages. parents and kids, teenagers, young adults, and even older adults (our grandparents ages!) without kids--they participate for the love of it!
Last night we attended a very unusual service...the mascot of the carnaval is the Baron.

I head to Portugal on Friday--can't wait! Mark will stay behind and work...but might head to England for a few days.
I'm attaching some pictures, hope i've minimized them enough! Hope all is well on that end--keep us in the loop! We still havent met many locals yet, but Mark is going to a co-workers party this weekend and his job is to make us friends. we'll see how he does