Greg and I are proud members of the Movember Platinum club. You achieve Platinum Club membership when your individual sponsorship total reaches $1000. It needs to be said that this was the result of a lot of synergy with a lot of people working together to provide the kind of buzz that facilitates this kind of generosity from our sponsor-donors - including those who took the trouble to think up rhymes and stuff to put into the Mo Log comments. CONGRATULATIONS EVERYBODY.
As I write this the MoCann Terriers team has raised $3758 for the Prostate Research Foundation of Canada. What a team!

OK. I know it's bad, but this dad did say would come the day when every word should be heard that our poets have written from know-it-all wisdom and genius bidden.
From Mark - self-confessed crap-rappa...
Mo Daddy wants you to go, put up a show!
Write it all out, say what you're about!
Do some writing, some typing, a little bit of something.
Put up your name, take the blame 'cause we are all the same...
We hate. Damn we hate!
all that is wrong with the prostate!
Still more from the Rap-Crappa King Zorro...
Don't be a frog,
write on our Log.
If it's a rhyme it's a sign
for Mo Terry to incline
to post it pretty and fine.
Click on this link
and don't be a dink.
I know you can write somefink!.

Sista Ingrid said…
There once was a young man called Seany,
Whose mo was exceedingly scrawny.
He blamed his poor genes,
Said:Guess what that means,
The rest of me is muscular and brawny.

Lesley said...
This bro on the left - Wolfie by name
Is feeling bereft, I fear.
Maybe he’s a geek
– ag shame.
For it’s plain to see(There’s no one to blame)
He can’t tell his lip from his cheek.
Lesley said...
Taylor's fresh mo
is starting to gro,
And so is his new bag of dough,
ho, ho!

Luisa said...
Oh no! Mark has a mo!
Is it Zorro on the fly?
If not, who is this guy?
My boyfriend I miss,
but "yay!" I don't have to kiss
so many little strands;
good thing he's in the Netherlands.
I'm proud of his cause,
ending cancer deserves applause,
but I'm going to be a stickler
for him getting rid of his tickler!
Andrew Clarke said...
The mo on young Mark
is growing quite dark
But is it as good as Bro Terry?
Whose smooth shiny face
Is filled full of space
Now that he's no longer hairy
Lesley said...
Mark's quite a bright spark,
says Lesley the Clarke.
But Andrew the Clarke disagrees.
He heard from a shark
who he met in the park,
that a mo grows best in the dark.

Lesley said...
Sista Miriam and co
are not going slo
in raisin' the dough
for you bros, Yo, yo

Lesley said...
This mo's a joke,
c'mon you oke,
and show us what you're made of.
Or else we'll think
you need a shrink
or that you're just a fader.
Mo-sista Miriam said...
There once was a mo-bro called Greg,
Whose mo grew down to his leg.
He drank wine from the sink,
Which made his mo stink,
So now he drinks beer from a keg.
The Sequel - from Terry...
There once was a mo-bro called Greg,
who used to drink beer from a keg.
One night he got loaded
a great belch exploded
And now his mo's stuck to his leg.

Lesley said...
Is this a growth I see before me,
the handles toward my hand?
Come let me clutch thee:
I have thee not, and yet I see thee still. (after Wm Shakespeare)
D H Lawrence says...
His mo-ustache was drenched cold with fog, so that she shuddered slightly after his kiss, and shuddered again. (The Trespasser).

Lesley said...
Now, John, you would swear
has got real strong hair.
His mo is really impressive.
So go, go, John Bro,
and give a sho
of hirsuteness non-regressive!

Janet said:
There once was a fellow named Terry
Who shaved and became not so hairy
He started to grow
A charitable mo
But now he looks, oh so scary.
Lesley said...
Sis Ingrid, Bro Terry
- now don't youse now worry.
Just say the mo prayer every day.
And then youse will find,
when Movember's behind,
that mo will have growed really hairy.
Lesley said...
Prayer of a mo bro (To the tune of 'Row your boat')
Gro, gro, gro my mo,
Quickly on my face.
Hairily, hairily, hairily, hairily,
This is quite a race.
Kate said...
Way to go mo bro Terry!
We're relieved that Sista Ingrid does not find you scary.
Now to the future - smooth or hairy?????