I'll start off with some recent events, some good news and then some big, exciting news that's now so old it's no longer really news (unless you did not know. :-) Then I'll just bring you random news as it comes to me - mostly good news.
Blue Door Shelters Bed Race Fund Raiser
The agency Ingrid works for recently changed their name from "Transitional and Supportive Housing Services of York Region" (TSHYSR for "short" - really! - no bull!) to "Blue Door Shelters." Try shutting your eyes and saying all names from memory. QED. Anyway, Blue Door Shelters aka. TSHSYR put on a fund raiser bed race on Saturday June 14. For reasons too complicated to explain the "kids" and their partners were on one team, McCann Clan Inc., and I was on another comprised mainly of staff members or spouses, The Bluebeds of Happiness. (Have you neva hed of the bluebed of happiness?)
McCann Clan Inc. beat off the other four teams to win the "race" and The Bluebeds of Happiness raised the most money. Not too shabby. You can see all 150 pictures by clicking on the link to my Picasa album 2008 Blue Door Shelters Bed Race. You didn't click the link? Let me whet your appetite by warning you that my team is wearing Tinker Bell wings...
Health Issues - "Come back in six months"
Both Judith (this month) and I (last month) had the same happy instruction from our respective specialist doctors. Judith was told her CAT scan showed no indication of a return of any cancer; my doctor told me that my PSA levels were slightly raised but still way down from when I first visited him and not indicative of the prostate cancer changing type or size. Next time round I will have another biopsy - stings like the blazes for a few hours but totally worth it.
Tada! An Engagement is announced!
In February (I did tell you it was old news) Mark asked Luisa if she would like to wear an engagement ring he had bought her.
Actually, it wasn't quite like that - it was a lot more romantic with hundreds of rose petals and a flight booked to Winnipeg where Luisa's parents and 3 of 4 sisters live.
Stephen graduates
On 26 May Ingrid, Stephen and I drove down to Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario for Stephen's graduation with a B.Sc(mech). It was a very happy occasion; Ingrid and I were very much the typical proud parents. Afterwards we had a celebration dinner and invited a former house mate of Stephen's to join us.
The Weather.
You aren't a real Canadian if you don't talk about the weather, I have found. So I will tell you that we broke some temperature and snowfall records this last winter - a winter that seemed to drag on forever. Today is the first day of summer. Yep; in Canada summer only starts on the solstice - spring only starts on the equinox - and it really is like that. It has been relatively cold with a lot more rain than usual for the entire last three months. Yes, we did have some extremely hot days as well - into the 30s (Centigrade; high 80s F) but there seemed to be many more days with the max in the low teens.
Here are two photos taken after a record snowfall in March. One is of my neighbour giving me a hand with my driveway with his snowblower. The other is my back deck and access to the back door.
Summer Vacation
Next week Ingrid and I are off to Cape Cod for a week - making use of an exchange on our SA timeshare through RCI that we still own. I'll let you know how it goes when we get back - maybe :-)