Another year has started. Ingrid and I wish all of you, our family and friends, a peace filled, happy and prosperous year ahead for 2010.

Looking back, the first main happening to mention since "The Weddings" is
Ingrid's surgery.

She is is truly on a mission to become more and more a bionic woman. Actually Ingrid had been having a great deal of pain in the finger due to arthritis and the finger had become quite twisted with a markedly enlarged knuckle. Thanks, possibly, to all those superstitious people who refused to have surgery on a Friday 13th, Ingrid went in for day surgery early on November 13 and was back home again by 13:30 feeling fine and dandy with a new knuckle on the middle joint of the middle finger of her right hand. Not to make too light of it, she really was in a lot of pain later that night and the days that followed when the freezing wore off. It took a good two weeks for the pain to get down to more bearable levels. The trouble was that every time the pain got nicely bearable they altered the angle on the splint to force the finger straighter and straighter. The pictures tell the story and all credit to the surgeon (cosmetic) and occupational therapist at Southlake Hospital who did an amazing job. The second picture was taken two weeks later on Nov 26.

Halloween was a disappointing non-event with only five kids knocking on our door. I think the houses on our street are too far apart to make it worth the effort. One little fellow did make it worth the effort for us, however. I don't think he was even three years old yet - dressed like Tigger the tiger. We had a scarecrow with a skull head and flashing red eyes sitting on a Muskoka chair next to the front door which made a HUGE, SCARY impression on little Tigger. Eventually his mother prompted him into the trick or treat ritual whereupon he offered us the candy/sweets in his little bag. He was one very cute little tiger who made it totally all worthwhile for us.

Of course we had our annual
family Sinterklaas gathering again at the beginning of December but this year we had a true believer in our midst. We invited Peter and Vicki, Canadian friends of ours with a Dutch background, to bring their three year old son, Samuel, to help us sing Sinterklaas liedjes and collect up the candy that gets thrown into the house.

After finding de zak van Sinterklaas in the trunk/boot of my car Sam had a wonderful evening helping us hand out the presents powered with a sugar high. He can't wait for next year's event to come around again.
Mark and Luisa went to South Africa for Christmas and New Year to enjoy a delayed honeymoon. Seeing Mark again and meeting Luisa was probably the highpoint of the year 2009 for Aunty Bessie (93, frail, nearly blind, but sharp as a tack.) She had been waiting in anticipation for months and was not disappointed.
Miriam and Geoff spent Christmas in Ottawa with Geoff's family. Judith had introduced Miriam and Geoff to Settlers of Catan who promptly bought their own edition. They then introduced the game to Geoff's parents who went out and bought their own copy before Geoff and Miriam had arrived back in Toronto.
The rest of the family came over to us for Christmas Eve mass, gift giving, sleep over and amazing Christmas Day dinner prepared by Sean in our kitchen.

On Sunday, 27th we all drove out to
Heather's parents (Stephen's girlfriend) who have a farm with beautifully modern horse stables.

You get the impression that although it is not on the Tundra you can see the Tundra from there. After another amazing dinner (so much fine eating at this time of year) we all got to ride Heather's mom's horse - a first-time horse ride for Judith.