On Sunday 2nd May we all got together at Luisa and Mark's place to celebrate Luisa's birthday. Here's a shot of Luisa and Mark talking to her adulating nieces in Winnipeg.
Other than the disappointment of watching India deservedly beat South Africa in the T20, it was the usual happy time together made especially enjoyable with a visit from Sean McKenna - Stephen's closest childhood buddy from playgroup days right through to when we came to Canada.
There was the usual goofing around and, of course, cake and prezzies.
Miriam and Geoff told us that the baby's name is Claire. Everyone took turns with their hand on Miriam's stomach feeling Claire moving around.
Ingrid did a great job cleaning up and repairing some old baby items that used to belong to Miriam - a carousel made by Eileen Lindsay, Miriam's godmother, and a wall hanging made by Oma for Miriam when she was a baby. These will go up in Claire's room.
After we had all eaten too much we went to the school playground across the road and had a game of ultimate frisbee - a first for Sean McKenna and me.

Then, last Sunday, 9th May, we we all went round to Geoff and Miriam's for Mother's Day. After we had all eaten too much there wasn't much else to do except eat some more.

Geoff and Miriam put together a slide show of their snorkelling experience in Mexico. Here we are watching it on Geoff's laptop.
We all wish Sean a great vacation in Jamaica. He left this Tuesday past.
Congratulations, Judith.
The other big news is that Judith has completed her B.Sc, Gen. Kinesiology degree at Queens. She is enrolled to begin another four years of study at Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) in September.