In yesterday's post there is a black and white photo. Some people thought I was being silly, that obviously it was a picture of Jonathan. Actually, that is a picture of Mark taken at the same age.
Mark sent this email about an hour ago:
Hi Everyone,
Here are a few more pics. We were lucky enough to be around when Santa came to town! Jonathan had a grand time as you can see in the pics J. We put on his going home outfit to hide all the leads and had immediate use for the little (large!) hat the cashpeople gave us! He received a personal visit into the room, a sock stuffed full of goodies and a wrapped present. Lucky boy. Santa has done some studying since last year and is a neonatologist when not dressed all in red!
Jonathan is doing really well. He still has to have regular sugar checks which require a heel prick but those hopefully only happen 2 more times! They have prescribed him an antibiotics course which will discharge him on Saturday.
We are doing well too and very relieved he is improving daily. He is really starting open his eyes now in particular after feeds.
Mark, Luisa and Jonathan