Blue Door Shelters Race For Cover 2011

Last Sunday
Team Khaya again won the
Blue Door Shelters "Race for Cover" - the annual Blue Door Shelters fund-raiser. With nine teams of 5 members, each team member had to raise $120.00 to register; that's a minimum of $600.00 per team. This was the fourth such event and the McCann's and significant others have participated in each one.
The "race" comprises a number of bases or stations with a timed task for each team to complete. There were also a basket ball shoot challenge and hidden amulets as wild cards for deducting time off the team total. It was a lot of fun and a great time was had by all. The final tally of the amount raised has not been published yet.
The BDS Race for Cover can be viewed here.
Team Khaya's album is here.
Fencing the property in Peterborough

Mark invited Sean, Stephen and some friends to come and help him fence the bottom of his property. Oma and Grampa Mac were invited to come and do some baby-sitting and braai the meat for lunch and supper. Geoff, Miriam and Claire dropped in for an hour or two on their way home from Geoff's folks in Ottawa.
I have created a new album called
Claire and Jonty - Cousins Together
There are also some updates to the albums
Claire Boothroyd,
Jonathan Tiago and
Miscellaneous Family