the surgery on my prostate to hear the pathologist's report. The
excellent news was that there was no evidence of cancer beyond the

clear. This means that I do not need any further treatment as a result
of the prostate cancer. In particular, I do not need any follow-up
radiation or chemo. I am so grateful.
The sobering news was that the nature of the cancer found in both
lobes of the prostate was of the more aggressive type that we thought,
from the biopsy, was only in one lobe, and that it had spread to the
outer "peel" of the prostate, getting ready, as it were, to leap into
metastasis. You could say that I had the surgery in the nick of time.
With 20/20 hindsight we now know that we made the right decision to
have a prostatectomy and to have it sooner rather than later. After
Ingrid and I left the doctor's rooms we went to celebrate together at a local
Indian restaurant that we love. He makes the most delicious Lamb
Thank you to all my family and friends, and colleagues, for your
wonderful support. I have never felt alone throughout this experience.
I also have a lot of respect and appreciation for my urologist, Dr
Morrie Liquornik. I am aware of the privilege that is mine for living
in a First World country like Canada with such a good health-care