Tuesday 18 August 2015

Seduced by Mrs Cardinal

Looking out of my kitchen window earlier today I saw Mrs Cardinal. She is such a tart. I am totally seduced by her bright orange lipstick, orange top-knot and two-toned mascara'd eyes. I used to prefer Mr Cardinal, dressed all in bright scarlet with his darker cape and black masquerade mask but have come to be totally enchanted by Mrs Cardinal's more subtle body colouring. For me, if not for you, making love dressed like that would be decidedly kinky, but I guess kinky sex is the norm for this couple starting with how, every now and then, he puts food in her mouth during mating season. I feel a tinge of jealousy every time I see him do that. Little wonder they are monogamous for life and Mr Cardinal spends a good part of each day proclaiming his territory with melodious love songs to keep other Bimbo Cardinals away from his beautiful wife.