Sunday 4 October 2015

Niqab ban at citizenship ceremonies panders to intolerance - Susan Delacourt

This is a probing piece by Susan Delacourt that asks the excellent question, why do minorities who have themselves been victims of intolerance then show intolerance towards other minorities? There are some votes that you simply do not want.

Niqab ban at citizenship ceremonies panders to intolerance: Delacourt

If most Canadians were allowed to choose which language should be spoken exclusively at citizenship ceremonies, let’s be frank: it would be English. Fortunately for the French-language minority in Canada, this isn't how we've historically settled matters of rights and citizenship in this country.

Which makes it all the more strange how Quebec has become the epicentre of an entirely unnecessary, toxic debate in this federal election about what can be worn at citizenship ceremonies. What is going on there?

Read the full article here...