The death of my Mom has been central to my life in the last few weeks. I was fortunate to be able to be with her in the days before she went into a deep coma and I am very grateful that I made the decision to go then and not wait. She still recognised me and gave me this beautiful smile when she saw me. From then on we were just there with her, around her bed, talking to her and to each other, touching her and creating an atmosphere of family with her. When I said goodbye I felt sad but again grateful that I had been able to spend this time with her. The fact that Judith was having her last chemo was a good reason to be back home.

That went very well. The staff in the ward presented her with a certificate and of course a special surprise was planned at home. While we were still at the hospital one of the nurses brought a gentleman around to speak to Judith and ask her some questions about her experience. It seemed that he had a daughter around Judith's age and that he was starting chemo soon. She told him not to make drastic changes to his life, do as much as he was able especially keep up the exercise - this was the wisdom she was sprouting forth while lounging around on her bed where she had slept most of the day, looking washed out but chirpy...after all this was the last chemo! What a girl!
Now we are waiting for test and scan results and some information from Dr. Zibdawi as to where we go from here.
At work my job of Housing Support Worker is coming to and end and when we arrive back from Scotland I will go full time into my Supervisor position. I am particularly looking forward to that as I will no longer be working in the evenings on a regular basis.
Time to go to bed! Nearly the end of the day. Nearly the end of the year!
All my love.