Sunday 3 December 2006

Belated update on Sean

A couple of you have asked about Sean and Whistler and I realised that this change of plan went unnoticed and unannounced with all the other major events that have been going on.

The day before Sean was going to hand in his notice - something he felt rather ambivalent about - he phoned his prospective employer in Whistler who had promised him a position and discovered that Sean would not have the job after all. He and I discussed this turn of events a few days later and took the view that this was not necessarily such a bad thing. For one thing, it would enable him to finalise his co-op requirements for completion of his college studies. "Co-op" is a period of employment, typically six months, in the industry of your major college course, and is a requirement for certification. So...., Sean is still at home with us and expects to be in Ontario through until the beginning of summer - May/June. Anything beyond that is simply crystal ball gazing..

Judith has a CT Scan Monday 11th, and an appointment with the oncologist on Monday 18th. We are praying and expecting that everything should indicate no more cancer. Meanwhile she is impatient for her hair to return. There are some brown strands but they are still few and far between...

It's time to put out shoes and sing Sinterklaas songs. The whole family sans Stephen will be gathering at our house next Sunday night, singing liedjes (Dutch songs) and having Saint Nicholas himself throw pepernoten (gingernuts) into the sitting room and, hopefully, drop off some presents and chocolate letters. Dutch shades of My Big Fat Greek Wedding with adult children of ex-pats keeping Dutch traditions that their cousins back in Holland wouldn't want to be seen dead doing!!! Ingrid would be happy to let it go but the kids and I won't hear of it.

Zie ginds komt de stoomboot...

Jeroen has worked out how to put pictures onto his blog. You really should check them out :-)