Quickly a little about Luisa... we were destined to meet. Here or in SA. Her family is Portuguese from Mozambique and her parents decided to move to Canada. SA was their other option and they did not know which way it was going to go until the day they left. Years later we followed them and met at a friends Halloween party.
Back to Holland...since a young age and with my moms Dutch heritage I have always dreamed of living in Holland for a year. The opportunity came up and I had to take it. My only reservation was Luisa as I could not do it without her. When we talked about it I think she was more excited than me to do it. It was good timing for her as she plans to start her masters in September and would therefore be putting in notice at work anyway.
So, I am now here in Holland. I am jumping back and forth between Holland and England quite a lot for the next few weeks while my visa gets sorted. I hope to be here permanently within the next few weeks. I have a little apartment in the city of Breda. I have only been here for a few days but it seems to be a wonderful place and look forward to the many visitors that have promised a trip over. I plan to spend quite a bit of time with my family that is local for the first time. Oom Vincent and Oom Jeroen are about 1.5 hrs away with my cousins Levien, Sera, Marjoke and Ruben. I am also lucky in that the England office is about 4 hrs from Glasgow. I plan to head up there this coming weekend to see Oom Reinier, Heather and Maia. Haha. They are all going to curse my use of the word 'Oom'.
That is it from me for now. Luisa and I have a whole year's adventures ahead of us.