I had prayed, "Dear Lord, Let the best side win, and please let the Boks be the best side."
Today South Africa beat England to win the Rugby World Cup. Can you believe that Mark and two friends were actually at the Eiffel Tower watching the game on big screens that had been set up? Miriam and Geoff joined Ingrid, Sean and me in a local pub in Newmarket and watched the game on a nice big flat screen. Actually, we had the best seats in the place for the purpose. I think there were more Springbok supporters there than England supporters, but it may just have been that England's supporters were rather quiet. Ag, shame. Just to be totally impartial and non-partisan you can read an English take on the match in London's The Sunday Times, Springbok kickers destroy England.
Click on this link for a great picture of South African President Thabo Mbeki hoisted on the shoulders of the players, holding the cup proudly.
The Proper Way to address an Englishman.
This one is doing the email rounds.