Tuesday 19 December 2006

Cancer Survivor !

Judith, Ingrid and I went to see the oncologist, Dr. Zibdawi, yesterday (Monday) afternoon. He gave us the results of the last round of tests. The Gallium scan was still negative - as it had been the previous occasion- which was very good news. The CT scan was also unchanged from the previous occasion other than 2 cysts which showed up. Given the Gallium scan being negative and the cysts being very common in young women, Dr. Zibdawi is confident that these are benign - not cancerous. He has called for an ultra-sound for the cysts - normal procedure, and told Judith to come back for a follow-up visit in six months.

When asked by Ingrid if Judith could call herself a "cancer survivor" at this point, his response was, "Absolutely!"

I wish to thank all of you, family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, for your support and prayers ever since Judith was told of her diagnosis back in May. May God bless you all and keep you in that peace that only his love and protection can bring.

Terry and all the McCann family.