Last Sunday, 10 December, the whole family and significant others got together to celebrate Sinterklaas - the affectionate Dutch name for Saint Nicholas. Even Stephen made the pilgrimage by bus from Kingston - 300km east of Toronto. This is the first time since coming to Canada 8 years ago that the whole family has been together for this celebration of gift giving. Judith's boyfriend, Mark, came last year, but for Luisa and Geoff this was a rite of passage with the requisite singing, in unpronounceable and incomprehensible Dutch, of kiddies' songs about Sinterklaas and his Zwarte Pieten. Check out the Sinterklaas photo album.
On Monday 11th, Judith went for her CT scan and blood test. This was uneventful other than that she nearly puked while the scan was going on. After fasting for 4 hours you are given this stuff to drink... Anyway.
Tomorrow afternoon (Monday) is the appointment with the oncologist who will give us the results of this latest round of tests done since the chemo-therapy came to an end. We are praying for good news.
On Thursday Ingrid, Judith and I fly off to Holland to spend Christmas with her two brothers and other family there, and then to Scotland for New Year with her oldest brother and his family. Much anticipation...