Yesterday evening (Tuesday) Ingrid had a call from her brother Vincent who lives in Holland to say that her mother was seriously ill. Ingrid's mom (aka. Ann or Oma) has fairly advanced senile dementia (not Alzheimer's) and is in a home for special care. Apparently she acquired a bladder infection and then refused to cooperate with the medical treatment that was needed. Now the fear is that she is giving up the will to live, frequently refusing food and drink, and getting dangerously dehydrated and weak on top of the fluctuating fever from the infection. Ingrid and I went down to Flight Centre last night and booked a return flight for her to Amsterdam. She flew out this afternoon and will be returning to Toronto next Wednesday. Reinier, the eldest of the three brothers, flew in from Scotland this afternoon. I spoke to Jeroen, the third brother, earlier this evening. He visited Mom this afternoon and while there she took a little yoghurt and fruit. She spent a lot of the time sleeping.

The picture was taken two years ago when Oma and Opa last visited us in Canada. Click to enlarge.