This last weekend was the Thanksgiving long weekend in Canada. We had our dinner on Sunday evening. Stephen had bussed in from Kingston but Miriam had gone to Ottawa with a friend. Mark and Luisa also joined us. Sean had to work.

During the meal we took turns to tell of some of the things we gave thanks for in the past year. Some that I recall: lots about jobs - my job, Ingrid's job, Stephen's summer job opportunity just past, Mark's opportunity to work in Holland for a year, Sean's job opportunity in Whistler; that Mark and Luisa met 11 months ago; Judith expressed the "up" side to not going to university this year - opportunity to improve grades and broaden university options and courses next year; and we are all very grateful for the Canadian healthcare system (imperfect as it may be) that has been providing Judith with such excellent care.

Judith went to bed early. The rest of us spent the evening chatting, reading, laughing at peculiar customs of our various nationalities, playing Mario Brothers on Mark's laptop, playing "Sets". Luisa whipped the lot of us into turkeyland.

Soon after Sean came home we received a phone call from Pat Prinsloo (Judith's godmother) phoning from Marius & Janet in Seattle. Here he is talking to "Onnie Pat"

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