Wayne Hudson
Putting on the winter woolies before shaving the 'stache.
Justin Manuel
Justin tells me his mo is growing on him... Now that is profound mo wisdom - I'm just not sure what to do with such insight...
James Demarco - Platinum
Congratulations James Demarco (right) on raising more than $1000.00 and achieving Platinum club status. And thank you Taylor and Greg for bringing in this great asset to the Mostashed Hairiers.
End of Movember (nominally anyway)
As I write this it is 9:30pm in Toronto and the month of Movember is nominally over. I say nominally because I know from last year that some more donations do continue to come in and I certainly hope that will be the case again this year. We are less than $40.00 short of passing $3000.00 as a team.
The big winner of course is the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation in Canada and similar foundations worldwide. Their stated mission on their website is "to raise funds for research into the prevention, treatment and cure of prostate cancer by engaging Canadians through awareness, education, and advocacy."
The fact that our team received sponsorship from over 70 different individuals tells me that this Movember has been a huge success not only in terms of fund raising but also for getting the message out about men's health.
Here are some of the amounts raised - all figures CAD$:
Canada $1,906,214
England $2,548,851
Australia $9,856,586

To all who sponsored the Mostashed Hairiers, THANK YOU!
...and to all you intrepid team members who grew your mo's and gave me your pictures for friends and strangers to laugh at, a great big THANK YOU!
Mo-sincerely yours,