End of Day 2 in the month of Movember - the month where we are raising money to fund research needed if we are to find a way to beat prostate cancer. We have an intrepid team of mo-growers who are hoping, nay - believing - that many of you, readers and friends, are going to make some donation, no matter how small, to the cause.


Alas and alack! While some of our brave team have sent me a photo, I am still waiting for others. As soon as they arrive I will publish them. Meanwhile, this is what I have:

Yours faithfully: Terry McCann
Wayne Hudson. Great smile.
Raj Bamaniya

Bob Arpin. Another great smile.
Greg Forbes. You need to appreciate the sacrifice of a man whose daughter has never before seen him without a mo! I am waiting to hear what the reactions were and whether his wife still loves him with a naked lip... I once heard a French lady say that kissing a man without a moustache is like eating ham without mustard...
Greg Landry.
Taylor Landry. Without his "chops" he is almost unrecognizable. Ah, the price some men are prepared to pay for a great cause... If you have FaceBook you may want to look at the group, Taylor in the Month of Movember. You may even want to join.
Remember, remember the month of Movember
Fun with Mo reason
For this is the season
For lips to grow stubble
So efforts can double
That cancer gets whipped
By those hairy lipped
And their sponsors who give
To the scientists who live
For the day when they find out the way
After all we've endured
That cancer gets cured.