Bob Arpin
Smiling mo' and mo'. Keep it up, Bob - that mo is starting to take form and substance.

Jimmy "The Hulk"
Ja, well, no, fine, Jimmy - whatever it takes to convince your sponsors, but I'm not showing anything below the triceps on this blog...

Wayne "Cool Dude" Hudson
That mo really gives character to the shades - who can resist sponsoring a team with such depth of talent and personality - dare I say "star power"?

Peter 'Mo Love' Righton
Now this makes any man without a 'stache green with envy. Mo love! What can beat that?
Time to recognise the sponsors.

Just over half way through it's time to take stock and say a big thank you to all who have donated so far. Some have sponsored individuals, others the whole team, but you have all given in the spirit of Movember for the cause of prostate cancer research and so, on behalf of every man who has prostate cancer, and every man who will be diagnosed with this disease, let me say, "Thank you, thank you, thank you."
In no particular order: Walter Chan, Janet Landsberg, Mimi Vinluan, Daniela Gaul, Cathy Boyd, Angelica Lau, Tena Bennet, Stella Fayaz, Lucian Acatrinei, BE Whiteford, Jim Kleefman, Tracy Weekley, Lee Farrell, Lynn Bischoff, John Thanos, Kareen Hudson, Joanie Katz, Voula Feld, Margaret Landry, Helga Tedford, Joe Penariol, Doug Ward, Damian Barrett, Patricia Dal Ferro, Julie Knisley, Cathy Kennedy, Michael Cote, Shannon Crumb, Harry Smit, Franca & Nick Sabino, Ashlie Burns, Keith Gartley, Jody Boutin, Remi Parent, Oreste Apolito, Gwen Hearty, James Demarco, Shubh Mann, Paul Strong, John Mumford, Barbara Stroud, Julie-Anne Hearty, Ashley Carruthers, chris connolly, Shawn Glogowski, Chris McDonnell. Oops. Nearly forgot Allanagh Latimer, Edward Yoon. At the time of writing you have together sponsored the Mostashed Hairiers fund raising to the tune of $1,572.14. That is wonderful. There is still one more thing you can do... Please tell your friends about Movember and pass on the links.

Yours faithfully