My personal good news
Today I went to the urologist. [self-censored...] My latest 6-monthly PSA was exactly the same as the last time so no indication of any further cancer growth. The economy can fall to pieces - if you have your health you have everything!
Raj and Terry
A study in contrasts. They say camera's don't lie - but this picture of me is living proof that they do. Anway - just focus on the 'stache and if you want to laugh, go ahead but please pull out your credit card for the privilege...

Inspector Clouseau - Take-1
Could it be, could it be..?

Inspector Clouseau Take-2
...could it possibly be that the great Inspector has joined the Mostashed Hairiers? Friends, roamers and country men, please honour the great Inspector with a sponsorship donation.

Zack King
The reclusive Zachery King was tracked down to his blog site where this amazing picture was found. Behold the mo! Do I hear thirty dollars? No? Forty did you say?