Meanwhile, how is our team doing?

Mike Peyvandi - dedicated mo grower
A mo worthy of respect. Fortunately for us, Mike doesn't follow Wally's philosophy that you can read in the background of the photo.

Mike and Terry - Day 19
Mo bro's bound by a common cause.
Mean Looking Mo-growers
These guys don't look quite like what you would want to meet on a dark night - real mean mo-growers. You would not dare refuse to sponsor these "persuaders".
Taylor, Greg & Jimmy - The Good Guys
Actually they have hearts of gold and butter would not melt in their mo-uths. Jimmy on the right is our leading mo-mo-ney-maker at the mo-ment with over $700 in sponsorships.

Wayne - with a mo makeover
Gone is the truck driver mo image. Here is the new Wayne of the mo-ment! Could be this is the new look that we'll see on the cover of every magazine. The question is, will it last or will "someone" sponsor him enough to shave it off at the end of Movember?
Justin - Mo Hero
Here is the spirit of Movember. A big hearted mo-grower doing his bit for raising funds and awareness for prostate health. Keep at it Justin.

Pause for the cause
When diagnosed and treated early and effectively, prostate cancer has a cure rate of over 90%.
Of major concern though, is that every year around 24,700 Canadian men are diagnosed with prostate cancer and about 4,300 die of the disease, making it the number one cancer threat to Canadian men. In his lifetime, a Canadian man has a 1 in 7 chance of being diagnosed with the disease.
Movember mo-growers are raising awareness of men's health issues while raising funds for prostate cancer research and health education.
Yours mo-sincerely